Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thursday Rambles

I am hyped up ever since the Christmas in July 10k.  I am so glad I was able to adjust my speed to the heat and still remain competitive.  Now I want to incorporate more and more speed work.  Getting fast is fun!

I finished The Silent Wife.  I loved it.  Read it.

Fruit has been my go to lately for snacks. Last grocery store trip included 2 pounds of peaches, 4 pounds of cherries, 6 pounds of bananas (I freeze half for smoothies), and a watermelon. I'd say we're set for a while.

There's barely room in my fridge for it all.

This has actually been a great week.  The Chicago area has had awful humidity and loads of rain, so it's nice to see the weather get itself together for a bit.

The pups have been loving the great weather and our dog park visits lately. 

They still do EVERYTHING together.

I went for a long(er) run Tuesday after work.  I must have been very thirsty afterwards.

Farmer's market peaches > store peaches.

How is your Thursday?


  1. You might THINK you're set for a while with all that fruit, but in my house, if there's a bunch of delicious fruit in the house, it goes FASTER than if we just have a few of the usual suspects!

    1. Absolutely. Fruit is my go to if it's available.

  2. Replies
    1. FINALLY. Though I really didn't mind the cooler weather... I just didn't care for the constant rain.
